Statement of purpose
The main target of this course is to give graduating students the ability
to create their digital portfolio in English using a variety of software
The portfolio thus prepared will then be finalized in 2 versions, one for
print and another for uploading to the Internet in the form of a web site.
The applications to be used are Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Macromedia
Fireworks and Dreamweaver.
The workshop will have the dual ambition of enabling the students to function
digitally in the English language and of enabling them to, as artists or
designers, independently generate their own self-promotion means and materials.
This will give the students a competitive edge at International level.
Students will produce content for their artistic portfolio in a variety
of ways. The most prominent components will be digital images, which are
the strongest conveyor of meaning for visual artists and communicators.
But an additional effort will be placed in the production of text in English
as a complement to images. Text blocks will be reduced in size and compact
in meaning, taking into account time and students proficiency limitations.
Images will be of 3 types essentially: Digital photos or scans of past works,
edited or modified images of those or other works and images created as
self-standing works during the course. Students digital self-portraits
in an artistic context will be a required component of the portfolio and
an element of self-introduction.
Software applications will be used to address the specific issues they were
made for:
Adobe Photoshop: Image manipulation and edition, color correction and filters,
photocomposition and collage, image resolution, painting, file formats.
Adobe Illustrator: Geometry, Bezier curves, gradients, blending, typography
and layout.
Fireworks: Image compression.
Dreamweaver: Web design, site management and FTP uploading.
If time allows Internet animation will also be addressed using Flash.
Week 1:
In the first week students will be asked to put their work in digital format,
using Photoshop. Their first assignment will be the execution of a psychological
and conceptual self-portrait using their own photo and elements that define
them, through their environment, philosophy and cultural as well as individual
The next step will be to scan or digitally photograph their most meaningful
works of art or design. These works will then be manipulated in Photoshop
taking them to presentation level with changes in light, proportions, perspective,
texture or making them, through collage techniques, a new work altogether.
The purpose of this exercise will not be just presentation but also further
exploration of executed ideas, digitally revisited and transformed.
Week 2:
This week will be dedicated to the use of Illustrator. One or two assignments
will be given to demonstrate the creation of geometric and abstract portfolio
elements. Issues of color, position, shape, rhythm, harmony and contrast
will be mentioned and dealt with.
Western typography will be introduced, with examples of serif and sans serif
typefaces and their usage. A compositional study of the students name
will be made.
Page layout will be the next task. The elements generated before will be
placed and organized in 2 dimensional space. Grid, balance and weight will
be guidelines for composition and analysis. Students will design a self-promotion
poster with images imported from Photoshop or done in Illustrator, type
and text.
Week 3:
Preparing images for the Internet will be the first assignment this week,
dealing with image size, format and compression. Jpeg and GIF image formats
will be explained.
Images will be imported to Dreamweaver. Layers and tables and their interchangeability
will be experimented on. Vertical and horizontal scrolling and their advantages
and flaws will be analyzed. Similarities and differences between print and
Internet 2 dimensional composition will be talked about.
Week 4:
Layout for the Internet will be the main theme this last week of the workshop.
The small self-presentation web site will be finalized in Dreamweaver. Internet
text will be introduced through style sheets and Meta tags. Color, as an
element of composition will be worked on, considering among other things
the visual comfort of the viewer. Internal and external links, site map,
structure and management will be covered.
The final step will be FTP uploading the site to a free host.
Additionally, if there is time, promoting the site to search engines could
be attempted.